Dear valued community members,
Per Emergency Order of 4-13-2020 of the Middleton Board of Health, effective Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 12:01 a.m, all members of the public entering any essential business, must wear a facial covering over his or her nose and mouth.
Our current social distancing measures will remain in place until further notice. These include 6 feet spacing at checkout, frequent sanitizing of cooler doors and counters and the plastic shield separating the customer and employee.
Please know we offer no-contact curbside pickup for any of our community members. We will have an update later this week on our NEW delivery service being available.
We hope our community continues to be safe and work together during these uncertain times. We will get through this together.
Our modified hours of operations: Mon-Sat: 8am-8pm, Sun: 8am-6pm.
Thank You,
Howes Station Market Team