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COVID-19 Update


Hello everyone,

we wanted to update you all on our hours of operation and a few new changes:

Mon-Fri: 6am - 9pm

Saturday: 7am - 9pm

Sunday: 7am - 6pm

Beer/Wine sales begin at 8 am every day except for Sunday (10 am) - Massachusetts state law.

We pride ourselves on being not JUST a beer/wine store but also a store for your convenience. That being said, we are currently out of hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes (hopefully we restock on Friday) but have A LOT of toilet paper, paper towels, water, milk, etc.

One more thing: For anyone who is a senior citizen and is unable to come inside the store to get whatever they need, we are now providing curbside pick up. We will come to your car and bring you whatever you need. Please call us at 978-774-0859 if you have any questions about this.

Thank you so much for your time. Please be safe and aware of your surroundings. We will get through this together.


Howes Station Team



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229 Maple Street
Middleton, MA 01949
Monday - Friday: 
  6 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Only closed two days a year:
Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day
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